In Tuscany when olives are pressed and the new oil is flowing families and friends gather around the table with gorgeous bottles of vivid green oil to celebrate the new harvest with a slice of fettunta, toasted Tuscan saltless bread with an abundant drizzle of newly pressed extra virgin olive oil. Fettunta,in the Tuscan dialect means a soaked slice or "greased oily slice"; fetta/slice and -unta/oily. A special feast at the table or in the frantoio amid the buckets of oil collected and slices of bread dropped into this liquid green gold.
To eat a fettunta, grill individual slices of bread, annoint the bread with oil, then sprinkle with sea salt. Splurge and indulge for there is no better way to enjoy olio nuovo than on fettunta - an incredible experience when done with an exceptional oil. Ours is from Tenuta di Capezzana near Carmignano, northwest of Florence. Where the olive groves and vineyards of Capezzana been producing olive oil and wine since the year 804. The orchards and vineyards of Capezzana are legendary with a history of families including the Medici.
I've seen the new harvest of olives picked, pressed and bottled at Capezzana. Believe me there is nothing like tasting "new oil". Like a fine wine it has a character all its own and each year brings new meaning to the Italian style of living and their attitude towards food.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has stated that U.S. consumption of 23 g of olive oil each day (about two tablespoons) helps in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and research studies have shown that as little as 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil per day can lower our risk of certain cancer types, including cancers of the breast, respiratory tract, upper digestive tract and to a lesser extent, lower digestive tract (colorectal cancers).